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i walk a lonely road
alone by myself... `
don't know where it goes...
cold and lonely... freezeing what does that mean?

feel kind of sad alone
never have this feeling before in past
is this life?
the hurt...the sadnesscan it be gone?

they have entered my life...my story...
i changed...and true i do changed.....

i am not the past weakling boy u have seen
not anymore...

now more have entered my story...
different character. different characteristic...
lots things for me to learn out there..blue sky
till then i continue move forward...

problems was starting to pour in ...
the only ways is to solve by my ownself...
i need to face the problems
i not going to run as i not alone...

friends are there for you
before the problems was solved. till then i continue move forward...

check my vital signs ;
to know im still alive
and i continue move.....

i will not stop in track...
i will not......
growing up
the ones that walks beside me too
new life to face...
sometimes i wish someone out there will find me;
`till then i continue to move...

walked out of inmaturity
lifes starting to get more and more fun...
learned how to make funsoutof anythings...
really learnt hw to make a day out of it

I was not alone anymore
not anymore...

time going by
days by days had passed...

grown up
should be independence...
life was completely diff. out there
things was changing...

mindset was changing out there
now i should be brave....

brave enough to make decision myself
brave enough to face the difficulties lies infront...

i was happy to have friends accompany me to this stage
really nice..

the flower bloom
and butterfly dances
the end of my story..
i'm Jeremy...
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Hey guys! I had a change in my blog... cuz of various reasons anyway here is my new link! Remember to relink and tag me! Thanks


Tomorrow will be better i guess~
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Its Term Break!! Well its tuesday now but because it just pass 12 so right now i am enjoying my deserve term break =)

It had been a real stress Year 2 term 1 and the worst is yet to come and i do believe =/....
So what did i acutally did over the weekend? Guan Jie ended his jc year2 exam but not A lvls so decided to organise a outing with felicia and called Shu fen, Feng wei, Chu xiang, Junping and Zhao lun and we went to plaza sing to play pool and shop shop eat eat! Although orchard road is just a common town road but eversince my busy days came i did not really went down although its a sat night crowded with peas but i still feel very happy as i am together with my friends and the bustling sounds from the streets and make me feel i am still alive =x well but we did nothing much but just walking around and slack after that but its good. =)

Sunday went to Adeline House Warming and indeed it is warming lol just abit to warm hees cause its bbq. Her house is at a new condo at potong pasir and the amazing thing is that it is somehow like a condo build in the center of a forest, i know its weird but somehow i just got the feeling lol, so flies and cats all around sld not be too surprising =/ but after its a real new condo which is built not long along and i can say that is how i wanted my life to be! Away from the town and relax when i am at home alone =)
So at there was just eat and play some minds game like "Black Magic, String, etc" if you guys played black magic before you sld know how all this games works.

So Monday which is just a few hours ago just came back from PS to but went to watch Kungfu Panda and i gib it a 9.5/10 and it is way too awesome! So funny maybe its because i like Panda too much till i cant stop laughing lol i am just too in love with this cute animal! sound pervert i know hehes. So today was a group of 3 gals and 3 guys and could not get alot more out as its weekdays and alot are working =/

As for the next week days i will be busy busy till next week and for next week maybe more movies? Just too much good movies coming up and money keeps leaking arghs! Hope it worth it =)

Alright thats all for the events in my life, did not go on so much into details.
Recently been hooked to Fang Da Tong songs and its just too good! like the sentimental feel of how he sings his songs. Just gotta a new song from Felicia "Chin you ke yuan" by him and a female singer. Just too great, btw there is a vocalist from singapore named Tay KeWei and she is acutally a vocalist for A-mei,JJ lin, ah Du, David Tao. Awesome izzit not? Found her singing Fang da tong songs in youtube and somehow link to her blog and realise she is so remarkable and she acutally sings her own songs and duet with Fang DaTong too! How i wish i am a vocalist too for them >_<
I made a link to TayKewei blog and if you are interested and make your way there and listen to her songs. Sg pride!

Alright stopping here! =)

Need You Octopus, Dreaming Away..

Tomorrow will be better i guess~
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Finally gotta the zoo pictures! Here take a look and ya know!
Do the Impossible!
Shi li is acutally smaller then a turtle!
Kawaii!! (PS:Panda lol)
this rocks i just donno why -_-
HandSome White Tiger!
Why am i the special one?
ah Meng!
Well what acutally happened after zoo? Go eat at chomp chomp! Ate alot of shells meals...once back home straight to toilet lol! Me and Shi li the great "hum" eater lol. After that go slack awhile then home!!
**To note something down. Zoo is acutally so fun! It does not have to be in a family or with kids! A group of friends can also bring up your day =)

Tomorrow will be better i guess~
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

This Tuesday was a particularly sad day for me, reason is cuz i can say i failed my cpp project and fail in acutal fact is that it is hard but just i did not try hard enough for it, what my lecturer said was correct and she told me to present to her next week for 1 more chance. At the moment i was angry but not angry with her and its me. On the way back home i think alot and lots of stuffs and up till now still have alot of stuffs that flashes through my brain including what i did in the pass from baby till now, lots of embrassing and disgrace stuffs, sad moments. I would not really want to go back to the lazy and academic weak Jeremy. Just in case many of you dont know, i was acutally a very lazy and never think about others when i was young around kindergarden to lower primary, my academic was horribly weak and i almost drop to EM3 but lucky it was my aunt who force and help me out and i climb to EM2. At that period i know my primary sch have weak students but neither did i think myself as one of them and till one day my form teacher told me how weak i was and realise how bad the situation is but still i blindly make it through to PSLE and by mere little hardworking efforts i got to Normal academic, up till O level that day i really realise what i am doing and i had been trying to maintain it, before getting of Os result i was told how many NA students could not really make it to poly including my family and i was real worried but in the end the result of i had gotta was more then what i want. It maybe low for some of you but it is a god send gift to me. Cuz i broke something my family did not. Of cuz if i am not in NA i would not have change so much in my personally, character, work and knowing all my great friends. I truely think i am real lucky to be in the clique and the process of how i grow up as a teenager was so important and the path that i took was acutally right for me.

I always thought i am so involve in so many things and at the same time not so involving. Be it in anyway. This few days things just flashes through my head again and again keep thinking and thinking

I wonder did i try hard enough or did i just say and not do it or it is out of my means?
all i can say is that i am trying and doing, trying and doing, trying and doing..

Tomorrow will be better i guess~
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Moles and what they say about you

The Chinese Almanac, also known as the Tung Shu, is commonly known as a book of auspicious and inauspicious dates, but there is so much more to the Tung Shu than that. It is a vast mine of information relating to astrology, codes and symbols, derived by the wise sages and philosophers of ancient China. In this issue, we bring to you the secrets from the almanac regarding moles on your face and what they mean depending on which part of your face they appear.First, check your face for any moles, and then look at the diagram above to identify the number(s) that are a closest match to the moles on your face. Usually, the moles only hold meaning for you if they are prominent and they are the only one. If your face if full of spots, acne or "little" moles, they do not count. When you've ascertained which position corresponds to the mole on your face, look up the meanings listed by numbers below.

Position 1 to 3
As a child, you are somewhat rebellious and a free spirit. You have an innate creativity and work best when you are given a free hand. Generally, your superiors like your avante garde approach to life. If you have a mole here, you are far better off in business and being your own boss rather than working for somebody. What is promising is that you have the luck to be your own boss.

Position 4
You are an impulsive person, often acting with a flamboyance that gives you charisma and a sparkling personality, but you can be difficult when there are too many opinions. You tend to be rather argumentative, but never to the point of holding grudges. This mole tends to give you an explosivetemper and should you decide to remove it, you will find yourself becoming calmer and more at peace with the world.

Position 5
A mole above the eyebrow indicates that there is wealth luck in your life, but you will need to earn it and work harder than most people. All the income you make must be carefully kept as there are people who are jealous of you who might attempt to sweet talk you into parting with your wealth. Be wary of those who try to interest you in get-rich-quick schemes. If you have a mole here, it is advisable not to be too trusting of others. Follow your instincts and be cautious. And never allow other people to control your finances.

Position 6
A mole here indicates intelligence, creativity and skill as an artist. Your artistic talent can bring you wealth, fame and success. It also indicates wealth luck, but this can only be fully realized if you follow your heart rather than stick to conventional means of making a living. Success will come if you are brave.

Position 7
Moles under the eyebrows indicate arguments within the extended family that cause you grief and unhappiness. This will affect your work and livelihood. It is advisable to settle any differences you have with your relatives if you want peace of mind to move ahead.

Position 8
This is not a very good position for a mole. Your financial position will constantly be under strain because of a tendency to overspend. You also have a penchant for gambling. The only thing is you must know when to stop. Meanwhile, someone with a mole here has a tendency to flirt with members of the opposite sex as well as with the same sex. Better be a little discerning where you exert your charms, or you might get into trouble.

Position 9
This mole position suggests sexual and other problems. It is an unfortunate mole and you are well advised to get rid of it. It brings a litany of woes and a parade of problems.

Position 10
A mole here just under the nose indicates excellent descendants luck. You are surrounded by family at all times and will have many children and grandchildren. You have the support of those close to you and will be both materially and emotionally fulfilled.

Position 11
Moles here suggest a tendency to succumb to illness. It is a good idea to have this mole removed especially if it is a large, dark-coloured mole. Otherwise use lots of foundation to cover it.

Position 12
A mole here foretells a successful but also a very balanced life. You are likely to be not just rich, but famous as well. But although you have every opportunity to live the high life, you will have a satisfying home and family life as well. Women with moles here are particularly lucky and tend to be beautiful and glamourous as well.

Position 13
Your children will be a big worry in your life. Your relationship with them is not good. There is nothing much you can do about this except to learn some tolerance.

Position 14
A mole here suggests a vulnerability to food which can be a big problem in your life. You may have allergies against certain foods or you may simply be eating too much.

Position 15
You are a person always on the move and constantly renovating and redesigning your house. You like to be introduced to new things and see new places. You are not happy if you remain in one place for long. You enjoy travel and adventure, and have a very observant eye.

Position 16
You need to be careful when it comes to eating, and also when it comes to your sex life. These are your two biggest problems. You tend to have weight issues which can make you depressed. You enjoy romance, sometimes with more than one person, but because you are a person with some morality, you will feel guilty about it and this will cause you much stress.

Position 17
You will be someone of great social prominence. You are active on the social scene and an excellent conversationalist. There is a tendency to become bigheaded about your success, which could lose you your good name. This will affect you deeply because you draw your confidence and self worth from what others think of you.

Position 18
You are a person always on the move. There is a great deal of overseas travel in your life, but you should take extra care each time you cross the great waters, as your mole prefers you to stay at home.

Position 19
You have money luck and many good friends, so this is a good mole to have. Your weakness is that you tend to succumb to the charms of the opposite sex. In your life, it is this that could get you into hot water, so do cool your ardour!

Position 20
A mole here can be very lucky or very unlucky. If you have a mole here, you are destined either for extreme fame or infamy. You have great flair for creativity and are also highly intelligent, but your talents can be used for both good and bad. You are not a person to be trifled with for you are no pushover and do not forgive and forget easily. This mole is a mark of someone who will go down in history either as a great or as a tyrant.

Position 21
This is a good mole, as it suggests plenty to eat and drink throughout your life. This mole also brings fame and recognition.

Position 22
Your life is always happy and things go smoothly for you. You could well become a sports superstar if you have the passion for it. Moles at the end of eyebrows also suggest a person of authority and power, so if you are the CEO of a company, you will do very well.

Position 23
You have a high IQ, and you are both brain smart and street smart. You have a highly-developed survival instinct and will lead a meaningful and long life. You will be active until a very old age and will have friends and family around you till the very end.

Position 24
You will achieve fame and fortune in your young age and you are advised to use this period to safeguard your old age, as people with moles here tend to have a harder life as they get older.

Position 25
You will enjoy good prosperity and recognition luck, but do be careful of excesses. Stay traditional in your attitudes and you will have a long and fruitful life.

Famous Moles

Often compared to the other big songstress of her generation Britney Spears, Christina is touted as the one who can actually sing. Although gone a bit wild these days, she has a beauty spot that predicts fame, success and plenty to eat through life. Her mole is in position 12.

Known as China's most famous actress, she started her career in movies when she was still in school. Early fame is indeed indicated by her position 24 mole, but she needs to watch out, as people with moles in this position tend to have it very good early in life, but things get harder as they move into old age.

This man started his career working for Shaw Brothers Studio in Hong Kong, specializing in ultra-violent gangster films with elaborate action scenes. He gained entry into Hollywood after developing a cult reputation in the US with The Killer. Today, he has a string of impressive blockbusters to his name, including Broken Arrow, Face/Off and Paycheck. Big names like John Travolta and Nicolas Cage say they are "honoured to work with him". His mole lies in the position 20, which promises either great success or great notoriety. In John Woo's case, it is the former.

Her mole lies in position 12, indicating she will lead a fortunate, wealthy and happy existence. She has a solid marriage with husband Kurt Russell and three beautiful children. Her daughter Kate Hudson is following in her footsteps, developing a very successful film career. With the recent birth of grandson Ryder Russell Robinson, her life is complete.

This Sex & the City star is blessed with fame, good looks and a loving husband. Her mole in position 25 suggests a life of recognition and wealth. She certainly has both of that and more.

Her beauty spot lies just to the left of her lips in position 12. This is a very fortunate mole position, which predicts a successful, fulfilling and balanced life.

This Szechwan-born beauty made her debut in Red Corner opposite Richard Gere, and since then has not looked back. Since moving to Hollywood, she has mastered English and starred opposite big names like Jodie Foster, Will Smith and Nick Nolte. Her mole in position 25 indicates she will enjoyrecognition and wealth luck as long as she maintains her traditions and her roots.

Almost as famous for his relationship with ex-fiancee Jennifer Lopez as he is for his good looks and box-office success, Ben Affleck sports a position 19 mole. This indicates he has money luck and many good friends, but that his weakness comes from yielding to the charms of the opposite sex.

Golf-sensation Tiger Woods has a mole in position 22, which predicts a life of stardom, influence and power. He is not just a superstar in the golfing world, he is a role model for youngsters everywhere. He has said in interviews that his priority is not golf but helping others by influencing them in a positive way, hence the Tiger Woods Foundation which he set up with his father to help disadvantaged children in sporting and non-sporting activities. He has plenty of money in his life, made mainly through endorsements for companies such as Nike, American Express and Tag Heuer.

After Jackie Chan, this man is Asia's biggest star. He was a martial arts world champion before he moved into acting, but his acting career has met with as much or even more success than his sporting one. His first movie Shaolin Temple was said to kick-start the Kung Fu boom in China in the 80's. This man has a similarly positioned mole to Tiger Woods, which gives him a propensity to excel in sport as well as other areas in life.

Well for me is position 12 and woot am i going to be a big star?! lol jk lets just half believe and half disbelieve.

Tomorrow will be better i guess~
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Well so many weeks had passed and now is already the week 5 of my year2 sem1. A wow is all i can get to say the damage gap of works is so much different from last year, projects and work keep flowing in and codings codings and more codings keep coming and my brain just need to be in time to absorb all of this.

Let me go to SIT Club a little, i acutally sort of leave the big family and it is not because i dont like the family but just that the commitments is rather great for me as i have alot of stuffs outside which i haven acutally settle down. I was part of the "Voice Out' Sound's ic but eventually i left and i feel so bad because JJ will have to find another person to replace me and i feel so bad. So after much days had gone Matthew and Shirlyn came and ask me to be ursher and i promise them. Well same as usual need to go back 4 days for practice and it is also around 7 hours like that >_< but still made my promise and i will try to make it.

So what actually happened during this 5 weeks after sch reopen? Me and my family got into some arguments but after it i somehow think and sense that our family ties got stronger.

Anyway, this semester i dont really have the heart to start my engine off and did not really study for my quizzes and opps they got me! I can only say not too bad still can pass lol but DSTR lecturer called me back for remedial, no worries that is just for 1 lesson and i will try to pick up from there "Hopefully".
To be the fact i am acutally quite sad when i knew that i have to attend the lesson and it makes me feel i am weaker but at the same time i know it is rather good as it will be able to cover up my loop holes.

C++ language is also getting deeper and still trying to play around with it but projects are really filling me up to the brim arhgs stress arh!!
Hey! but not too bad i pass my Basic theory test for car! hahas and i was acutally quite happy and now moving on to FTT and practical lesson and finally hoping to finish it and get a car licence by August although i will be very very very busy if i really want to rush everything out in just a mere 3 months.

To end it off i wanna say a Happy Birthday, be it late or early, to Daphne, Chu xiang and Jun ping! Well cuz simply we rox off! =)

Tomorrow will be better i guess~
Friday, May 16, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Been 1 month or 2 months eversince i had blog, reasons behind is because i had been in a real busy mode and had not been having enough time for myself. Readers out there i am so sorry if you ever drop pass once in a time >_>

Let me do a summary of what had happened over the pass few months and i will cut it short down with a few pictures ya?

Around near head of march went to see the BWL celebration and was invited to the vip seat as lun tixs was acutally a vip seat and yeah so we were lucky and Lin Jun Jie was there to do the climate of the show and indeed we seen him real close and he is really a good singer and dancer! For those we been to lun blog may had already seen it so i am gotta post just a few pictures.

After this event if i din recalled wrongly will be our chalet with nyp-mates and yeah the chalet is real nice just that the public transports is not available as it is located inside the changi near the changi camp but over the chalet its nice and its by safra club de. Because i signed up for camp eagle so i only stay like 2 days and the second day is mostly in school till night then i went back for bbq and we invited ongtk there and had a great fun there, toward the night ongtk send me and cynthia back. Oh yah and we also celebrated Cynthia birthday there and it was cool! Guess what? We use rekindle candle and she had a hard time blowing it hahas!

On the way to palau ubin to have dinner!

After this chalet is another chalet lol which is our sec 5na chalet! We met a person who say our bonding sux and the chalet is expensive blah blah and so on and that person said that he/she will go to the chalet also but i bet that person din and i should say he/she is a childish person. Anw i stay for the 1st night and went back in the morning to rest and came back later on the second day on the 1st day had a lot of fun while in the pasir ris park and taking photos and videos of us acting lol but i don have any photos atm which cannot be shown.

so acutally during the time for the 5na chalet the panning for "Freshman orientation" already started and the most tiring thing is that we need to return 5 days week and this drag on till 8 of april from mid march i guess? kind of forgotten and because i was in the proposal team and really the fact is that it is boring! lol and i nearly give it up till i join the logistics team and things started to get better as there are much more stuffs to do and ore stuffs to learn. As i din go for this FMO planning i was unable to work and in the end i am not in poverty! lol but whatever the case the OGLs are great and friendy and easy to hang around and i had been nicknamed as "John" by Thomas and Jieying keep calling it!! hahas but i dont really mind it and i really get to know alot more people. So we work till the day of FMO and its really is great i just love DIT0802 as they are able to bond in the end and i must really thank my fellow OGLs(Wing, Joon hoe, xin yi) as i was unable to help them out most of the time as i m in the logistic team and need to move alot of stuffs around. and we took a group photos as well! want to show the pictures but blogger having errors zz nvm will post it up next time hopefully.

During the planning of FMO i also went to m'sia with zhao lun, hanwen, wei chong, weiqi, daphne, gerald and Micheal! we really really had a great fun there and to know what we did there? Go to zhaolun blog to read bah hahas or rather James as he compiled everything up already and summaries it hehes.

So it was all the way till today which is the week two of sch reopening and my project group team change and having much diff from the last two sememster and well indeed i am trying to pick up this skill this is "Able to work with anyone and everyone" this skill will be useful everywhere and it is really true. Also i seen human ugliness, selfishness etc i know this is how life work but just too ugly.

Also last week went to the OGLs chalet and i went there on the second day, rented a bike overnight and went to the pasir park to cycle and also play "Police And Thief" with two childrens and they are funny but pity we only played 3 rounds and luckly it was only 3 rounds lol cuz alot of us could not run anymore! lol we must admit we are old! hahas and those who know the spiderweb in the playground i am able to climb up near to the top le! lol cuz i am someone is who afraid of height and the girls are so daring then me. I'm afraid of height and Janice is afraid of the dark! During that night donno what happened the light at the playground went off suddenly and she was so scare >_<

yupps i guess i had put down mostly of what i had done and some parts i left it out too. My BTT coming soon so need to study le! My brother changing car to honda civil and he urge my to faster get my licence which is something i wish to do so too <_<

Alright thats all folks more detail i will update next time HOPEFULLY lol but i am more free nowadays hehe.

Tomorrow will be better i guess~
Wednesday, April 23, 2008